Innanzitutto devo dirvi che mi sono emozionata eheheh! Non entravo in una profumeria-negozio make up da secoli!! Con grande sorpresa lo stand Essence era ricco di prodotti! Sapete bene che per via del prezzo, gli stand Essence vengono sempre derubati e assaliti! :) Sono stata contenta di aver trovato anche la Catrice :) Infine sono passata anche da Kiko perchè sapevo che c'erano ancora i saldi :)
Ecco la lista dei prodotti che ho comprato (non li ho testati tutti,anzi, ho provato solo le tinte!) Appena li ho provati vi faccio sapere il mio giudizio finale!
Un bacio :***
Hi girls! A new post, at last! On Monday I went to Trieste ( I loveeee this city) so I decided to take a look to Essence products and other brands at Coin :)
First of all I must say that I was so happy that I almost moved eheheh! I havent't been in a drugstore- makeup shop for ages!! I was really surprised when I saw that the Essence stand was full of products! You know that because of the price these stands are always attacked and ripped off! :)) I was also happy because I managed to find Catrice products :) I also went to Kiko shop because I knew that there were lots of products on sale!
Here you can find the list of all the products that I bought! (I haven't tried everything, actually I only tried the lipglosses) When I try everything, I'll let you know my opinion !
A kissss :***
- mascara 'I love extreme'
- pigmento 13 'papREDzzi'
- staymatt lip cream 04 silky red e 02 smooth berry
- mini lipgloss set London (c'era anche New York, ma ovviamente ho scelto la mia amata Londra!)
- defining blush 70 Pinkerbell
- glow touch lips & cheecks 03 Lucky Flamingo
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